When a storm is headed your way, the last thing you want to worry about is damage cause by an excess of water on your property.
Our experienced professionals can work with you to develop and execute an effective storm water management system for your properties.
Stormwater management is a process aimed at reducing excess runoff and pollution caused by a large influx of water. Normal rainfall either runs off impermeable surfaces (parking lots, roads etc.) and collects in sewer systems or percolates into the ground. However, when a storm occurs, water tends to pool on top of the ground and collects debris, pollution, bacteria, and other waste. The water carries these contaminants into our local rivers, lakes, and eventually all of these waterways find their way to the ocean.
To prevent discharge of pollutants, and be compliant with EPA standards, stormwater management is crucial before, during, and after any construction project. Rhino Squared Excavation Contractors, has the knowledge and experience to help you choose and install a variety of stormwater management solutions / BMP’s, including:
- Detention / retention ponds
- Constructed wetlands / rain gardens
- Permeable pavement
- Underground storage systems (UST’s)
- Underground open bottom infiltration / retention systems
- Bioretention cells
- Stormwater pond maintenance
- Culvert pipe installation and repairs (HDPE, CMP, Precast etc.)
- Stream repair / bank stabilization